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Educational activities

Archaeology in Construction


Archaeology in Construction is a cultural mediation project for heritage, promoted by the Municipality of Mértola to make known to the local community the work of research and protection of the cultural, archaeological, historical and ethnographic heritage present in the territory. This is a way to make science accessible to the community and to make known the people and the knowledge protection and production work carried out by several partner entities, regarding our cultural legacy. It includes the making of short informative videos disseminated on the social media of the Municipality and partners.

Other activities executed

The Museum goes to the Children's Workshop

Museums are spaces open to everyone, dynamic and inclusive, which aim to train and inform.

Archaeology in Construction

Archaeology in Construction is a cultural mediation project for heritage, promoted by the Municipality of Mértola.

Archaeology for Everyone

Since 2017, in the months of June, July, August, and September, the Museum has been developing several initiatives related to Archaeology at the Campo Arqueológico de Mértola.

My School has a Museum

The Núcleo Museológico da Ermida de S. Sebastião e Necrópole is now integrated into the complex that houses the headquarters of the Mértola School Group.

Pedagogical Suitcases

The Miner’s Suitcase and the Aladdin’s Chest are intended for students in grades 1 to 6, aged between 6 and 12, and are playful pedagogical instruments.

The Museum goes to the Fair

Establishing contact with the local community has always been one of the main goals of the Mértola Museum. In this context, and with the goal of achieving greater proximity while knowing that people don’t always visit the Museum.

Guided Tours / Theme-based routes

Due to the fact that it is divided into various units that cover different themes and time periods, the Mértola Museum allows creating a variety of routes that meet the interest and knowledge of different audiences.

Guided tours

Museums by themselves are facilities that must act as repositories of the identity of the people and the territory, and, therefore, first and foremost, their educational services should develop initiatives aimed at the local population.

Thematic workshops

The Mértola Museum, in collaboration with the Campo Arqueológico de Mértola, annually holds several thematic workshops aimed at schools in the municipality of Mértola.
Mértola Museum . Câmara Municipal de Mértola © 2021. All rights reserved