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Technology at the service of promotion in Museums: the case of Museu de Mértola (Mértola Museum)

Today’s society lives the immediate moment. The future is now and change is so rapid that we experience a feeling of living ephemeral, almost disposable moments. Even museums have to adapt to a new World, a new society, new ways of communicating and promoting their collections, without losing the main focus on materiality and the importance of the object as a testimony. Frenetic technological and digital development cannot overlap the material, i.e., the importance of the object, of research and conservation, essential to build the collective memory and to strengthen identity and belonging ties.
We cannot, however, undervalue the role of technology for the time we are living in. These are times of change, of adaptation, of alteration which, in many aspects are directly related to technological and digital development, to the demands of globalisation and to the need of spreading information in real-time. On the other hand, we cannot dismiss the importance of technology as a fundamental tool to optimise results in several areas, such as registration, research and promotion.
Research and innovative forms of promotion, where the units of Museu de Mértola are the most emblematic representation, one of the distinguishing aspects of this museum project. The definition of forms of communication and dissemination of knowledge and the development of various languages for exhibition and presentation of content is, and always has been, a concern for those responsible for the various projects and actions developed by local agents, a context in which stand out the Municipality and the Mértola Archeological Site, partner institutions in the management of the Museum.
Following this logic and adapting to the signs of the times and technology advancements, Museu de Mértola has also adapted its equipment and trained its technical staff with skills that allow them to develop work in several areas. An example of this is the Scanner and 3D Printer that optimises the registration of the collection’s objects, complementing the information in the inventory, working on contents for the education area and developing replicas, models and supports for exhibition areas, among other things that complement the Museum’s activity in the most diverse areas.

Mértola Museum . Câmara Municipal de Mértola © 2021. All rights reserved