We have been facing times of uncertainty and feelings of impotence in the face of an enemy that we can’t see, don’t know and don’t know how to tackle or fight.
If we look back and read the pages of history, we will see that this is not an unknown situation. Many of our ancestors lived through epidemics, pandemics, wars, sackings, uprisings, changes and transformations that seemed to threaten to end Humanity.
It hasn’t happened and it won’t happen, yet! In fact, these episodes that frighten and discourage us should also be moments of internalisation and meditation that help us to move forward, understand mistakes, reinvent, change and develop strategies of renewal and transformation at the most diverse levels, both individually and as a community. We must leave behind a selfish and individualistic way of life and relearn to live as a group, where tolerance, mutual help and sharing are keywords. Our ancestors have already done it and we can do it too.
History, Heritage, and very specifically museums, help us to understand facts, make interpretations, come up with theses and hypotheses and disseminate results. This is the work of researchers in the area of social and human sciences and it is also the work of museologists and museographers in the interpretation and presentation of results; exhibitions are the expressions of these results that resonate the most with individuals and society. This contact of proximity and vehicle for the transmission of knowledge is the main goal of the Mértola Museum.
In this period of seclusion and social distancing, you can visit us virtually through our publications, websites and social media. But, if you decide to visit us in person, please follow the instructions of the Covid-19 operating protocol and keep in mind that we have the Clean&Safe Seal – Cultural Heritage. So prepare your visit in the comfort of your own home and visit us, we’re here to welcome you!