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Rede Urbana para o Património


(2007-2012 Regional Operational Programme - Inalentejo, involving the municipalities of Almodôvar, Aljustrel, Beja, Castro Verde, Mértola, Moura and Serpa)

This network was aimed at involving municipalities in a strategic cooperation process whose structuring element is heritage as a factor of competitiveness, economic potential, and international projection of the seven municipalities involved.

In the case of Mértola, the initiatives that have been developed target mainly the renovation of the Mértola Museum’s units and cover several areas: purchase of booking equipment; purchase of various pieces of equipment for the educational services; release of publications (theme-based routes leaflet, Mértola Museum brochure, Mértola Mosaics, and Mosteiro; official opening of the Alcaria dos Javazes and Mosteiro museum units; renovation of contents and information supports in the Basílica Paleocristã, Casa Romana and Forja do Ferreiro units; rehabilitation of the Basílica Paleocristã and Arte Sacra (Religious Art) units and completion of works carried out at the Castelo (Castle); museographic programme for the Keep, and rehabilitation of the Alcáçova, among others. Duration: 2010-2014


Rede Urbana
para o Património

Other projects carried out

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(Instituto dos Museus e da Conservação) (2004)


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Rede Urbana para o Património

Programa Operacional Regional 2007-2012

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Route des Marchands, Ville des Marchés en Mediterranée (2007-2009)
Mértola Museum . Câmara Municipal de Mértola © 2021. All rights reserved