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Mértola, Património de Todos


Do Património ao Turismo Criativo, Experiencial e Acessível (2018-2020) (Turismo de Portugal)

A pilot project in the area of accessible tourism developed in the territory of Mértola, which includes an integrated local tourist dynamics strategy underpinned by the notion of heritage protection (in a broad sense) and focused on creativity, experience, and accessibility as key assumptions for implementing a sustainable tourism project.

The challenge is to provide an accessible tourist offer in the physical,
social and cognitive sense, seeking to:

Create tourist experiences in a visitor-friendly language with immersive, multisensory, and creative experiences.

Eliminate and/or minimise physical barriers to accessing heritage, culture and the tourist experience;

Set up an inclusive tourist offer without literacy and linguistic barriers that hinder the understanding and enjoyment of the local history, heritage and experiences;


Património de Todos

Other projects carried out

Projectos em curso
Projectos realizados

Mértola – Património de Todos

Do Património ao Turismo Criativo, Experiencial e Acessível (2018-2020) (Turismo de Portugal)

Mértola – Património de Todos (2019-2020)

Alentejo 2020 – Conservação, Proteção, Promoção e desenvolvimento do Património Cultural e Natural)

Pró-Museus (2019-2020)

Direção Geral do Património Cultural/Rede Portuguesa de Museus

Projeto LIMUS

Colaboração no Projeto LIMUS (2017-2020)

Programa de apoio a Museus

(Instituto dos Museus e da Conservação) (2004)


Património Histórico e Arqueológico de Mértola e Niebla (2004/2006)


Salvaguarda e Valorização dos Recursos Arqueológicos, Patrimoniais e Culturais (2007/2009)

Rede Urbana para o Património

Programa Operacional Regional 2007-2012

Projeto Mercator

Route des Marchands, Ville des Marchés en Mediterranée (2007-2009)
Mértola Museum . Câmara Municipal de Mértola © 2021. All rights reserved