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Projeto LIMUS (2017-2020)


Technological transfer for free access to museums and archaeological sites in Estremadura and Alentejo (INTERREG España-Portugal), developed at the Campo Arqueológico de Mértola

Its main goal is to use technology based on mobile applications to provide more information to those who visit museums and archaeological sites located in Alentejo and Estremadura. It also aims to promote cross-border cultural tourism in the regions of Alentejo and Estremadura and create best practices in the areas of information, communication, and transfer of technology to citizens.



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Mértola – Património de Todos

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Alentejo 2020 – Conservação, Proteção, Promoção e desenvolvimento do Património Cultural e Natural)

Pró-Museus (2019-2020)

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Projeto LIMUS

Colaboração no Projeto LIMUS (2017-2020)

Programa de apoio a Museus

(Instituto dos Museus e da Conservação) (2004)


Património Histórico e Arqueológico de Mértola e Niebla (2004/2006)


Salvaguarda e Valorização dos Recursos Arqueológicos, Patrimoniais e Culturais (2007/2009)

Rede Urbana para o Património

Programa Operacional Regional 2007-2012

Projeto Mercator

Route des Marchands, Ville des Marchés en Mediterranée (2007-2009)
Mértola Museum . Câmara Municipal de Mértola © 2021. All rights reserved